Easy At-Home Strength Exercises (1)

Here is a resource page, just an idea to get your brainstorm rolling on what kinds of things you can do at home (at work, in the parking lot, outside, or wherever else you prefer to workout) with a minimal amount of equipment and/or space. These are the basic choices to build your strength days out of, and I tried to organize them by general muscle group.

A few quick notes: I took all the photos while pregnant, but these are exercises for anyone. The core exercises should be used sparingly if at all for women past their first trimester in pregnancy.

Dumbbells are very convenient but can be expensive if you need several sets at different weights. They are very easy to use though!

Exercise bands are much cheaper, but I recommend wearing a firm soled shoe with them, as they're very uncomfortable underneath bare feet. Also, they can slip out of your hand, or break and cause injury if you over extend them. Be careful! I prefer the tubular bands pictured here, rather than the flat bands - I have broken many flat bands. In addition, this particular set you buy the handles with several bands and just move the handles around to different bands for different resistances. You can also double up on bands to increase resistance. Always be sure to start on a nice level for you on each exercise - be sure you can easily do 1 repetition, but make sure doing 10-15 isn't too easy!

Yes, I had my husband and trusty dachshund assist me with photos!

  • Squats - wide leg stance is preferred for stability. You can do these with or without weights and/or resistance bands. Keep your back straight and only squat down as far as your knees are stable. Lower is better, but staying within your ability is key.
    • I recommend you start squats with sets of 5 or 10. A good starting weight (if you want) is 10 lbs. 

   Free (no weight) squats, followed by using dumbbells & bands


  • Lunges - these are a lot like like squats but just one leg at a time, and again can be done with or without weights/bands. You don't want your knee to go past your toes and keep your back straight. Take care also to not bash your knee into the ground! In fact, these are worthwhile even if you can't go all the way down.
    • I recommend starting lunges in sets of 5 each leg, with 10 lbs of weight if desired.

Free lunges!

Lunges with dumbbells!

Lunges with exercise bands!

  • Sideways Leg Lifts - Lay on your side and lift your upper leg up as high as it will go. Then set your upper leg in front for balance, and lift the lower leg. Switch sides! These help build hip stability. Yoga mats can help comfort for these, and be sure to keep your body straight as you do them. 
    • You can start with 10 each leg, each type.

Here's the upper leg lift

And the lower leg lift

  • Toe and calf raises - Especially with toe raises, please put your hand on a wall/chair/table/desk for balance. Lift up all your weight onto your toes and lower slowly. Then, lift your toes and balls (OF YOUR FEET sicko!) as high as you can. 
    • Sets of 10 to start

 Calf raises

Toe raises

  • Arm & Leg Lifts - start on your hands and knees. Raise an arm and the opposite leg up to shoulder/hip height. Lower slowly, repeat on other side.
    • I recommend sets of 15 each side to start

  • Bridge - lay on your back with knees bent about 90 degrees. Arms can be flat on ground either straight above head or along your side. Raise hips up off ground slowly, and lower back down. To increase difficultly later, do these with one foot raised to knee height, then switch sides.
    • Start with sets of 10 or 15


  • Arm curls - These need a weight or resistance band to perform. keep your elbows next to your sides and raise AND lower slowly. 
    • Start with sets of 5 or 10, with 5-15 lbs of weight in each hand, depending on your strength level.

Arm curls with dumbbells

Arm curls with bands
  • Tricep extensions - Can be done with weights or bands. I prefer 1 weight to use with both hands, but you can do one arm at a time and use other hand to stabilize elbow. Keep your elbows in close to your head and don't hit your head with your weight!
    • Start with 5-10 lbs of weight per hand, sets of 5

Tricep extensions with dumbbells

Tricep extensions with bands

  • Push ups - can be done from a full plank position or with knees down (knees down recommended for anyone who hasn't done more than 10 pushups in the last year or if you're pregnant!). These are best if you keep your elbows close to your body with the creases pointed forward. AND DON'T POINT YOUR BUTT AT THE SKY!
    • I recommend starting with sets of 5 or 7 (dudes can start at 10). 

Full pushups

Pushups from knees

      • If doing these on your knees is still too hard to start at, then do them against a wall, with your feet approximately 2' (or the largest comfortable step you can take) away from the wall.

Pushups against wall
  • Arm press - These can be done with weights or bands. Push arms straight up and slowly lower. Don't hit yourself in the head, but if you use dumbbells, it's okay to lightly tap them together at the top. It'll make you feel cool.
    • Starting with 10-15 lbs each hand, sets of 5 or 10. 

Arm press with dumbbells

Arm press with bands

  • Dips - These are done in two ways. The easiest method is to set up two chairs (or you can use a weight bench at a gym if available) facing each other, maybe 3' apart, ish. Put your feet on one and your hands on the other while you're in a sitting upright positions with legs straight out in front of you. Your butt should be hovering in the air in front of the chair your hands are on. Lower your body using your arms, all the way down to 90 degree elbows if possible. If not, go as low as your are comfortable. You can use chairs in one of two ways, pictured below - either feet up or feet down. The second method is more advanced. It's the exact same arm action, only your hands/arms are up on a support high enough that your legs dangle straight down keeping your body upright. These are most often only available to do with gym type equipment, and are much more difficult.
    • Ladies, I would start with sets of 5-7. For men, sets of 10 are probably doable.

Full dips on exercise equipment

Dips using chair with feet up

Dips using chair with feet down (and dachshund assistance)

Keep reading on for the rest of the exercises!

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