Thursday, December 8, 2016

6 Month Update!

And here come the holidays....

Legan update!

Weight: 19 lbs 

Length: 26.75"

Head: 18.75"

Percentiles: 91%, 83%, and 100+% in that order.

New Skills: Rolling from back to front, taking his socks off, turning around in circles on the floor (whether on his belly or back), and moving toys from one hand to another. GRABBING EVERYTHING and eating it.

Likes: Chewing on anything he can, tasting new foods, stroller rides, showertime, and hanging out with people more than anything.

Dislikes: Being home with just mom, being on his side for PT, getting his eye boogers cleaned out.

Tummy problems: Still definitely on the Zantac, but we seem to be increasing it slower. Still kinda pukey most mornings, but I think it's from swallowing too much saliva overnight.

Eating progress: We have had some tastes of some real people food. We're planning on mostly skipping purees/baby food of all sorts - just not worth it plus I have no reason to want to force feed him. So we're offering tastes of adult food that is appropriate. So far he's had: plain sweet potato, smidgens of corn cassarole (missing the kernels), tiny apple chunks, veggie pasta, split pea soup, tomato, one tiny piece of pickle (it was worth his face!), scrambled eggs, and little bits of orange minus the fiber. He really liked the sweet potato, tomato, and pea soup - everything else he makes funny faces at.

Sleeping: Goes back and forth. We'll have a week of OK - up only once or twice in 12 hours overnight, with maybe 1 75 minute nap, and 2 short ones. Then we have a week or two of terrible - up 4-5 times overnight (every 1-3 hours) with 4 or 5 15-25 minute naps during the day. There's not much I can do about it, other than cry. On the bad days he gets totally overtired and can't sleep and won't let me put him down either...

Clothing sizes: some 6 month, but mostly 9 month and some 12s.

Other new updates: Impatiently waiting for his teeth to come in and stop bugging him!.

 Mommy Update!

STILL waiting on my insurance card. SO FRUSTRATED with the State of Illinois, but totally not willing to spend hours on hold on their phone system. So irked. So pretty much nothing has changed. I still hurt. I've got back to my workout routine - I'll write it out below - and try to take maybe 2-3 walks a week, but it all hurts. I also don't take walks with baby when it's raining out and it's been raining for just over a week now....

Physical stuff: Still suffering irritated skin around the incision, deeper scar tissue pain there, plus looseness at my pelvic juncture that causes pain anytime my knees aren't lined up next to each other.

Workout routine, in this order:

Group 1:

1 set of 20 squats, over baby
1 set of 6 pushups, over baby
1 set of 20 toe touches, over baby
1 set of 2 (each side) windmills, over baby

short break

Group 2: 

1 set of 20 squats, over baby
1 set of 6 pushups, over baby
1 set of 12 arm curls, using baby as weight
1 set of 12 shoulder presses, using baby as weight

short break

Repeat Group 1

short break

Repeat Group 2


Emotionally: Pretty much nothing has changed on this front. I did get up on my horse about 2 weeks ago and it was a great time. Then I physically paid for it with pretty intense pelvic pain for a few days. 


Best damn turkey hat anywhere!

Examining his seating arrangements.

Wondering where the heck his plate of dinner is.

Modeling his other hat and contemplating his fish toy.

Mom & baby - eating his bib.

And diving away!

Other fun pictures from the recent past:

Eating his favorite taggy at a restaurant

Gotta hand onto me while eating

Ninja baby!

I love when he has to stop to contemplate his hands/fingers

He thought the basket on him was hilarious.

The face plus the outfit was too much to ignore.

I got him to take a pacifier for another 5 minutes on day, and he gave me this look...

This is what I wake up to most days.

Modeling 6 month clothes that won't fit long!

I love babies in hoodies!

Learning how to tie him him with a woven wrap.

Passed out on the couch when festivities are too much.

Adorable chunks in the tub.

He does love to nap in his wraps...

Happy guy in awesome clothes.

What a lovely dog - he belongs to my brother-in-law and is SO patient.

This is in a women's restroom at a Minneapolis theater....

Close up of the sign...

The first time he successfully got the teether in his mouth by himself!

Love his star foot!

He's an early eater I suppose.

Loves his hat!

Waiting patiently for lunch!

Eating my hair...

Insisting on standing up to pay with his baby gym.

And here's a quick preview of our Christmas shots!!!

Mom and baby, and he just LOVES to eat his hands.

Sitting up by himself and he's the BEST. GIFT. EVER.

Toes...loves those toes.

Look ma, I ALMOST fell over!

Plus a couple of cute videos!

Legan laughing for mommy!

Legan as a lumberjack dealing with Mr. Barley's antics!

Legan having a ball at his 6 month checkup, playing with the exam paper!

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