Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Ever Evolving Life....and Toddler

Modeling his new yard and climbing table - yes, 
that's corn behind out house

Well, quick update:

Little man is walking full time, we bought a house, painted it, got HFM (Hand Foot Mouth), moved in, unpacked and had our first party.

AND...Legan moved to sleeping in his crib full time instead of half time. Granted, he's still getting up 1-3 times per night, so I'm not actually saving myself any sleep with this. Good move? Hm, debateable. There was something totally lovely about only having to roll over and put a boob in his mouth and then pass back out. Oh well! Now that he's got this crib thing down he's totally not interested in sleeping while touching mommy. The plus side: pretty much anyone can put him down for a nap or bedtime and it's zero fuss. 

I really thought he was going to nap 
on the kitchen floor that day

Having our own space is...amazing. Being able to get our things out of storage, put them away into logical places and organize to my heart's content is really very therapeutic for me. Which is good, considering I've been working 4-6 days per week, my mom is moving out of state, my grandfather is very ill, and we just went through the time change (read: my son is waking up an hour earlier than normal and I find it very depressing that the sun goes down at 5:20 ish).

Sometimes you just need a few 
minutes relaxing on the couch

However, in the last week or so I've managed to actually start physically taking care of myself a bit again. Light workouts such as 20 minutes of squats, modified push ups, and windmills some days and yoga other days. I think it's going to seriously help me get back on my game. I always feel better when I'm better taken care of. Working to squeeze this time in isn't easy, but now that we're done with the vast majority of unpacking and I can do small pieces of organizing now instead of mass efforts has made it simpler. Legan has even taking to watching me do yoga and doing some of his own freeform poses and movements on the mats. I'm so happy we can literally leave 5 mats out all the time, plus we have a ton of kids play foam down too so there's a lot of nice soft places for whenever I have 5 minutes.

So much foam flooring!

I think having the mat out and living in yoga friendly clothes (while I'm at home) has been extremely important to getting my routine back into gear. That and my squat workout can be done at work if we're dead. If we're not dead, I just focus strongly on my core as I run around getting drinks and food and everything all taken care of.

Legan tests out the foam roller!

Legan is totally enjoying having his own space to play - not only having all of his toys out at once, but having them in many different spaces in the house and having so much house to run around in. He's also decided that foam mats and/or yoga mats are really awesome, so just spinning around in circles on them really entertains him. I'll throw a few pictures up now, but hopefully more to come as I work on getting updates here at least twice a month!

He's huge into wearing necklaces

Carrying froggy around during packing up week

Picnic lunch at the new house during 
painting week before we moved

HFM is no fun

Really, really not fun

Healing up and happy to be naked

He wanted us to fry him up while we were unpacking the kitchen!

Took a break from unpacking to carve pumpkins

Found daddy's old toys!

Trying to recreate his pumpkin photo from last year

Carving his pumpkin!

Such an active daredevil! (Oh, and check out our fireplace!)

Family Halloween photo - Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, 
The Scarecrow, and our little dog too!

Rocking his purple wool diaper cover before bed. Still LOVING our cloth

Had to set up stairs so he can get to his toys in his toy box (and necklace again)

Stacking, and I love how he's using his feet too

Legan and Warren (who is ALSO a year old and 
walking now!) are such great buddies

So proud he got onto the chair

New game, if I fits, I sits

Fall weather surprised us! Here's our balloons marking the 
driveway for guests at our housewarming party!

For as much as he runs around all crazy, he does love to sit and
read for quite a while too (like, 20 whole minutes sometimes!!!)

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