Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Winter Running...kinda

So for any of you in Northern Illinois (or really anywhere in the general midwest right now, you're familiar with sub-zero temperatures, right?!

That totally ruins my running plans. Not just because I'm a wimp (don't get me wrong, I *am* a wimp), but because running now means either running all by myself when Eric is home, or running with Legan, with or without Eric. The times I could run all alone during the week are generally dark and super early, or pretty late, so yeah, no. Especially in sub-zero temps. But running with Legan in sub-zero temps is also pretty not OK.

For Christmas this year, we (ok, I) bought ourselves (us) a really cool thing. It's called a BundleMe. This lets us at least take Legan out some this winter. It keeps his little body and hands and everything in basically a lovely sleeping bag over his blankie and clothes. But his face is still out, and so with -20 wind chill being a constant for a couple of weeks, well, we didn't do running.

He does love his stroller cozy (as we call it) though!

But, no gym membership out this way, nor can we afford one as the nearby rec center is pretty freaking expensive considering that childcare is an extra fee. Erk. And we don't own a treadmill. So while I've been trying to keep up with yoga (at least 15 minutes 3-4 times per week) and my squats/push ups/and hopefully something else) routine 2-3 times per week, we've been being fluffy and lazy the last month or so.

This week, hooray, the cold snap broke and now we're able to run a bit again. Trying to go 3 x per week. Hopefully it's going to keep happening. Legan seems to like going so long as we keep the run at 30 min or less, so he doesn't get too bored. We're working on figuring out the best routes to use with stroller and potential snow on sidewalks, etc. It's been...interesting, but we definitely got 4-5 runs in before Christmas polar vortex, and today will mark our second run since it broke 3 days ago, so honestly going alright.

Going to only include a couple of photos now, because I haven't taken many in the last week. Andplusalso I just made and ordered our Christmas/New Years Cards & 2018 Calendars and I'm just tired of looking at photos of him for now. Wow, right?

He's got a truck!

Just getting into playing pretend, and he loves to "drink" out of his Lego cup

Sometimes when it's too cold to be outside, he helps daddy play games

His award winning smile

He loves towers

Oh, and cars. He also loves cars.

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