Monday, May 23, 2016

Pregnancy Update Week 33

Baby size/Important facts: Baby should be around 18" long and over 4 lbs lbs! Brain is growing and immune system is developing. I just got my TDap shot so that should help with that immune system. 

Size comparisons: Ukelele, bunch of celery, size 10 men's boat shoe, store bought loaf of bread, or fanny pack.  

Weight Change: Total gain of ~29 lbs, so I'm good not putting on more weight. I'd like to stay in the total range of up 25-35 lbs. 

Waist Change: 
  • Week 10
    • Waist: 29" 
    • Bellybutton: 33.5" 
  • Size gain this week alone:
    • Waist: 0"
    • Bellybutton: 0" 
  • Total gain: 
    • Waist: 6"
    • Bellybutton: 10.5"
Maternity clothes: It warmed up, so I've had more chances to wear my yoga shorts & dresses, that helps. I have learned though that I really vastly prefer the under the belly bottoms. The over belly either make me hot if they're pulled up, or dig in really really bad if I fold them over.   

Bra changes: Nothing this week!

Stretch marks: Still not seeing any. Still surprised!

Sleep: Back to not really sleeping, even though I've been tired enough to. The seasonal change has been messing with me. I can't fall asleep due to stress, and then light, birds, heat, and the rest of the house being awake has been getting me up early enough to go to work with my husband...except that I have no reason to be up.

Workouts: We've gotten a little bit back on this train. I've given up on traditional strength exercises really, or at least back burner'd them. I hope to try that next week now that the nursery is basically done. All that's left is packing the bags for delivery! I've been doing just a smidgen of yoga here and there, but I did get back into running a little. We're trying to get back to 3 x week, and are managing a 4 x a week decent length walk for the most part. Our "run" is a run/walk, 4-5 min run then 2-3 min walk and switch. But I'm OK with that. Hoping to find some flatter softer ground for that soon, it should make it easier. 

Diet: Has improved over last week, except for one day where it turned into fast food twice and a ballpark hotdog once more. Whoops! But we've started making our own meals again and we've had a large influx of eggs and veggies at home so that helps. It also avoids some of the midnight mac & cheese adventures.  

Best moment this week: The accomplishment of running at all. 

Miss anything: Sleep, cold & dark mornings, and wearing my own t shirts. 

Food cravings: This last week I've been wanting dessert with all of my meals. Not sure if I'm just short on calories/fats or what. Unfortunately, we really haven't had anything for that. So I got ice cream the other day with my mom. That was a bonus. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but I've thrown up a few times this week - after only throwing up once previously. It's always from brushing my teeth. I think now that my stomach is so squished by baby that any even light gagging within 2 hours of eating is enough to lose a little food. Oh well.

Sex Guess: Octopus, definitely. Baby has been sitting in a strange way for the last few days where it feels like the head is right in the middle of the body and so all I can think is that the anatomy is just all wrong and I'm not having a human at all.  

Labor signs: Still having a ton of BH, but no real pain, so we're not REALLY viewing them as a labor sign. 

Symptoms: Braxton hicks and lots and lots of pinched nerve in the ribcage pain. Plus everything that goes with having a basketball stuck to your front. Heartburn - which happens most often if I haven't eaten in 3-4 hours. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat though. 

Baby position: Baby is still stubbornly breech. Hasn't really moved much other than swinging head from one side to another. We've been doing twice weekly chiro/acupuncture/moxibustion to try to help baby turn. So far nothing...which is starting to be concerning/sad. If we make it to 37 weeks (only 3.5 weeks from now!) and baby is still wrong side down, we'll go into the hospital for an ECV External Cephalic Version, to try to manually turn baby over. Of course, before they do that, they'll do a quick ultrasound to check full body positioning as well as umbilical cord length, etc, to make sure that flipping baby won't cause any harm that we can tell. If baby successfully flips and stays that way, we're all good for birth center. If not, we're stuck with a c-section in a hospital. There's no other choice. 

Belly button in or out? It goes further out everyday I think.  

Emotional state: Getting worse if at all possible. I'm having a terribly hard time adjusting to this housing situation and the added heat this week (and of course, more to come) is making it worse. I'm starting to feel overheated if it's above 72-73 inside. Unfortunately we're on the second floor, so it's warmer up here. Turning the AC on while the downstairs is probably not above 70 doesn't make sense, but the upstairs seems to hover around 79 and stuffy if we don't. Either way, through no fault of anyone else in the house, I am just not really doing well trying to get used to house sharing. I don't feel much privacy and now the most private rooms in our space are by far the hottest ones. 

Looking forward to: Hm....that's a toughie this week. Looking forward to no longer being pregnant I suppose? But that means a baby and a larger lack of sleep, so that's scary too. Looking forward to having some out-of-town family visit next week I suppose. 

Here's some nursery/baby gear pictures!

First, it was the local Tough Mudder race this past Saturday. This was me "participating." I'm wearing my husband's shirt because mine no longer covers me. This is one race I wouldn't even consider past the 1st trimester.

Basket of baby pharmacy type goodies. Nose sucker, thermometer, liquid tylenol, butt paste, and of course my nice cloth breast pads for nursing!

Baby bath toys in a bag, plus baby bathtub hanging up. Baby shampoo on the tub, and towels hanging for mom, baby, and dad. 

Padded cover for the bathtub faucet!  

This turned out a little dark, but we hung up our banner from the baby shower in front of the nursery window, it's still adorable!

Crib, complete with three layers of waterproof mattress pads and sheets already installed! Plus the totally fun zany mobile.

Storing the bouncy seat in the crib for now, until it's grown out of probably. I figure swing, bouncy seat, and bassinet will be outgrown around the same time.

Changing table! The stuffed animals on top are working on a new home. Bins underneath hold our whole cloth diaper stash (which I'll get more pictures of later as we move into them and perfect our methods), plus a toy bin, and the stacks of blankies. Diaper bags are on top of diaper pail. This also might be the last time the laundry basket is empty! In front I have the diaper caddy stocked with newborn stuff ready to go and of course Barley needs his bed in this room to keep him out of baby's things. 

Baby's half of closet with all of our newborn and 0-3 months clothes hanging, plus the socks/shoes/hats stacked. Also the pack & play, bottle storage, plus bibs & burb cloths. 

We have our stash of bigger clothes washed, folded and stacked up boxed up in the closet too, along with the car seat. Car seat moves into the car in the next week or two though - we'd rather be ready!

So we'll mostly materialistically ready - still waiting on baby carriers and tubing for breast pump, but those are quick & easy. 

Now just to work on trying to find a way to be emotionally ready. Plus - gotta pack the bags and get the Ipod set up. 

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