Saturday, May 28, 2016

Pregnancy Update Week 34

Baby size/Important facts: Baby should be around 19-20" long and 5 lbs! The vernix  coating is reaching it's highest amount now, so if baby can hang out in there a few more weeks (s)he will be less icky. Also fingernails/toenails are reaching the ends of the digits about now - so are going to be in need of a trim ASAP.  

Size comparisons: 3 5# bags of flour stacked on each other (but only weighs 1/3 of that of course), still a ukelele, baseball glove (I thought we passed this once?), large bag of potato chips, or Tim the minion. 

Weight Change: Total gain of ~33 lbs. Really hoping I can slow this down some, even though I know a lot of it is water weight right now. I am swelling more, that's for sure.  

Waist Change: 
  • Week 10
    • Waist: 29" 
    • Bellybutton: 33.5" 
  • Size gain this week alone:
    • Waist: 0"
    • Bellybutton: 2" 
  • Total gain: 
    • Waist: 6"
    • Bellybutton: 11.5"
Maternity clothes: A little sad. For around the house comfy clothes I have my tighter tank tops...or my husband's athletic tshirts. One leaves me feeling a little itchy/confined for long term wear. The other is big & hot. Oh well. 

Bra changes: Nothing this week!

Stretch marks: Still not seeing any. Still surprised!

Sleep: Still struggling here. Between hip/crotch pain, and a full bladder causing braxton hicks (which have gotten slightly less comfortable) I'm just up and down a lot which really wakes me up. 

Workouts: Managing running about twice a week. Starting up some yoga again today I think, to try to help flip this baby. Hoping to get some light squats and wall sits in and stuff as well, and calling that good enough for my strength training.

Diet: Still doing decent here. Have managed to stay away from most of the true junk food. A couple cookies here and there don't bother me though when I'm otherwise getting a lot of fruit & veg.  

Best moment this week: Getting one full night's sleep for the first time in nearly two weeks. Also had fun at a girl's night in last night. Got to see a lot of great ladies.

Miss anything: Being able to drive without burning sharp rib pain.  

Food cravings: Nothing much in particular, but I've had a lot of good food this week.  

Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but I've thrown up a few times this week - after only throwing up once previously. It's always from brushing my teeth. I think now that my stomach is so squished by baby that any even light gagging within 2 hours of eating is enough to lose a little food. Oh well.

Sex Guess: I had a dream it was a little girl the other night. The next night I dreamed that I sleep through most of labor and by the time I got to the hospital for the c-section baby's butt was generally out and they let me deliver baby breech vaginally.   

Labor signs: Still having a ton of BH, but no real pain, so we're not REALLY viewing them as a labor sign. 

The official birthdate and sex guesses! First guess is mine, and comes in at just under three weeks from right now!

Symptoms: Braxton hicks and lots and lots of ribcage pain. My midwife clued me in that this baby has actually managed to tuck some appendages (feet maybe?!) between my ribs and the skin and thin muscles that sit on top of the ribs. So I'm actually getting abused from the outside of the ribs - which is what's causing so much of the discomfort when I sit. Thanks little one for ripping my connective tissue apart! Otherwise mostly just loose pelvis/crotch pain when I do anything.  

Baby position: Baby is still stubbornly breech. Hasn't really moved much other than swinging head from one side to another. We've been doing twice weekly chiro/acupuncture/moxibustion to try to help baby turn. So far nothing...which is starting to be concerning/sad. If we make it to 37 weeks (Just under 3 weeks from now) and baby is still wrong side down, we'll go into the hospital for an ECV External Cephalic Version, to try to manually turn baby over. Of course, before they do that, they'll do a quick ultrasound to check full body positioning as well as umbilical cord length, etc, to make sure that flipping baby won't cause any harm that we can tell. If baby successfully flips and stays that way, we're all good for birth center. If not, we're stuck with a c-section in a hospital. There's no other choice. 

Belly button in or out? It goes further out everyday I think.  

Emotional state: Still having a really really rough time here. The longer baby sits the wrong way, the more I worry (s)he won't flip. The more I feel uncomfortable with things, the more I worry about being emotionally damaging to this baby. I worry that if I can't keep myself stable now, I'm doing a huge disservice to this poor baby already and it's likely to get much much worse before it gets better. 

Just for cuteness, cuz who doesn't love this happy face!

Looking forward to: Getting my rocking/gliding chair in the next week or two. Maybe I'll have somewhere comfy to sit! Also happy about three day weekend for my husband. We happen to have the house to ourselves and we'll get a decent chunk of downtime to ourselves.

I can see some indents on my thighs that show off some of the swelling. My feet too. They've never been real bad, but it's still a little weird. Glad I have some really great supportive sandals - especially because they're a men's size and slightly too big.

Working on two other separate blog posts currently, one to go up in the next few days for sure. 

Here's my awkward asymmetrical belly for your viewing pleasure. 

And here is my therapist and I communing.

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