Saturday, April 9, 2016

Pregnancy Update Week 27

Baby size/Important facts: Baby is just over 2 lbs. Practicing breathing and showing serious brain activity for the first time!

Size comparisons: Rutabaga, 7-11 Double Gulp Cup, and still children's lunch box. Nothing fun this week... 

Weight Change: Total gain of ~22 lbs, back on the gaining train
Waist Change: 
  • Week 10
    • Waist: 29" 
    • Bellybutton: 33.5" 
  • Size gain this week alone:
    • Waist: .05" 
    • Bellybutton: 0" 
  • Total gain: 
    • Waist: 5.5"
    • Bellybutton: 7.5"
Maternity clothes: Doing OK! A friend told me she sent me a care package in the mail of some summer stuff, plus I picked up a dress, a sleep bra, and two tanks this week too, so now I feel like I am probably set until I'm ready for my non-maternity stuff in late July/August, at least I hope that's when I'll be back into it. I even do have one formal dress I could wear to a wedding or similar if need be!

Bra changes: Sports bra is getting a little tight at the bottom from belly, so now we're using it with 2 of 10 clasps undone, because I'm just not classy! It's still doing it's job though, so no real complaints.

Stretch marks: Not sure why I can't find them, but not complaining.

Sleep: Been rough, just having a hard time staying cool at night mostly. Plus I had a painful week, so everytime I got up to pee it woke me up a lot.

Isn't this creepy? It's a little scary, but I always feel better if I prepare myself with all of the information ahead of time. Just gonna say the human body is AMAZING!

Workouts: Well I fell off the bandwagon. Going to do yoga tonight, but last Saturday when I ran and rode my horse both on the same day I could barely walk Sun or Mon due to crotch (pelvis) pain. I was doing *better* by Tuesday but have since avoided both horse and running as it hasn't gone all the way away. I'm going to see if I can do less riding (shorter time) and less running on different days this week and see if that helps. It all hurt enough that I didn't even want to do yoga or strength train for fear of doing further damage.

Diet: After venting for a bit I did better this week on eating. Not always the best food, but comfort food - plus whatever we need gone out of the house. I only have ten days to eat this food up and pack before leaving, so it's not going to be the best nutrition likely during that. However, hopefully while I'm up north for the 10 days in the middle of that I can get more of my veggie 

Am I weird for still having this sitting around? Now I'm kinda curious as to when the battery is going to die.

Best moment this week: Hm. I had a really good snugglefest with Barley the other day, that was probably my best moment. Wait, no. I was trying to listen to our leech the other night in bed with a stethoscope. I couldn't find the heartbeat but I did manage to make him/her angry (I think) and got to listen to a kicking/punching fest right on the scope. That was pretty hilarious.

Miss anything: Packing being painless.

Food cravings: Still want a Chipotle (or preferably Qdoba) burrito. A lot. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? The smell of whiskey

Sex Guess: Considering that I feel movement most of the day most days but it's not hurting me yet, now I'm thinking maybe girl. 

Labor signs: Not really. We slowed down the braxton hicks contractions this week by adding a couple supplements and more water. As long as they don't get MORE frequent than 4-5 an hour when I'm moving around or 2-3 an hour when being lazy, my midwife thinks we're in the clear. I just have a uterus that likes exercise/practice apparently. But they're not even uncomfortable, much less painful, so for now we're not worried. 

Symptoms: Braxton hicks, gas, slight swelling, lots of hip/pelvis pain if I do too much.

Belly button in or out? Out. As long as I'm doing anything. It actually retreats back in when I lay down a bit. 

I do miss wearing my pretty rings, but that's why I have them on a necklace (for those infrequent days that I get out of my pjs and/or barn clothes!

Wedding rings on or off: Off, and on a necklace. Loving my silicone ring. These Qalo people are awesome. I feel less naked. I should still be able to use it post-pregnancy for when I'm doing mud runs or other things that just aren't diamond ring friendly. Ordered a lime green one for my husband this week, we'll take a picture when it comes in. 

Emotional state: Still wallowing a bit from all the moving chaos. Going to get worse before it gets better. Trying my best to get all the details taken care of and get horse sold ASAP, or at least find her a place to go up north and someone to lease/share her for me in the short term to help with costs.

Looking forward to: Seeing everyone for the shower in less than two weeks!

Also, this gif is my favorite. It's one thing to watch the uterus & baby grow, but the really really freaking part is watching the intestines just get squished to everywhere else. 

What do you find to be the creepiest part of pregnancy?!

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