Saturday, April 2, 2016

Pregnancy Update 26 Weeks

Baby size/Important facts: Baby is about 2 lbs. Eyes are working on opening instead of being sealed shut. 

Size comparisons: Head of lettuce, work glove, or head of Thor's Hammer. 

Weight Change: Total gain of ~18 lbs, yeah I lost 2 lbs this week

Waist Change: 
  • Week 10
    • Waist: 29" 
    • Bellybutton: 33.5" 
  • Size gain this week alone:
    • Waist: -.05" 
    • Bellybutton: -.05" 
  • Total gain: 
    • Waist: 5"
    • Bellybutton: 7.5"
Maternity clothes: Wondering if I can survive on 8 shirts and 4 pairs of shorts for the next 3 months while I continue sweating like mad.

Bra changes: Sports bra is getting a little tight at the bottom from belly, so now we're using it with 2 of 10 clasps undone, because I'm just not classy! It's still doing it's job though, so no real complaints.

Stretch marks: Wondering where they are hiding. Can you find any?

Sleep: I had a very stressful week - full update coming soon I hope. I am down to sleeping maybe 3-4 hours a night, tops.

Workouts: Lots and lots of walking, hoping to start up running again a little bit tomorrow. Fingers crossed that 2-3 weeks off hasn't completely grounded me for the rest of this pregnancy. I need to get back to yoga and strength days too, but that's not too likely the in the next two weeks - I'll probably be a bit too busy.Have been getting some riding in which is really some cardio, some strength, and some flexibility so all-in-all not awful.

Diet: Been a little too stressed to eat much at all, much less super healthy. Living off of pasta sides, grapes, and chocolate this week with a small side of italian ice. Good for us? Probably not, but it's better than not eating at all. 

Best moment this week: Probably having a great riding day on a freshly washed horse and getting her over a very short (2 fence) jump course when we haven't even tried jumping since October. Very pleased!

Miss anything: Squeezing past people in a crowded kitchen.

Food cravings: Green grapes and italian ice - preferably strawberry flavored. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Anything thick or heavy.

Sex Guess: This week I have nothing. 

Labor signs: Not really, but now I'm having braxton hicks contractions most parts of most days. I should probably call the doctor and make sure that's normal.

Symptoms: Braxton hicks, gas, slight swelling, lots of hip/pelvis pain if I do too much.

Belly button in or out? Yeah, it's just out, I can't fool myself anymore.

Wedding rings on or off: Off, and on a necklace. Loving my silicone ring. These Qalo people are awesome. I feel less naked. I should still be able to use it post-pregnancy for when I'm doing mud runs or other things that just aren't diamond ring friendly. Trying to get my husband one, but we're waiting for a particular color of ladies ring to come out in his size - he doesn't like how wide the bands are for the men's rings.

Emotional state: I'm in a pretty not good place. We just found out that my husband has gotten a job (A GOOD ONE HOORAY), but we're going to have to move back to Illinois (YAY TO SEE PEOPLE). Unfortunately the move comes up  too soon and I have to switch doctors & insurance & go to a hospital (SEVERE BOO & OUCH $$$$$), plus we are going to need about a year of house sharing with friends & family in order to manage to figure out finances enough to live on our own. I'm very very very very nervous about the entire idea of entering into the physically & emotionally hardest 4-5 months of my life without my own private space to go home to. 

Looking forward to: Seeing everyone for the shower in less than two weeks!

Mr. Barley just loves to supervise the picture taking. In fact, he was too cute and had to join in. He did my yoga for me this week!

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