Sunday, March 27, 2016

Pregnancy Update Week 25 - Easter

Baby size/Important facts: Approaching 2 lbs! Nostrils are finally starting to open and skin is developing capillaries. This means it's becoming opaque too - hooray to lose the creepy transparent baby look!

Size comparisons: Kid's lunch box, can of WD-40, two juice boxes stacked on each other, or dragon egg! 

Weight Change: Total gain of ~20 lbs 

Waist Change: 
  • Week 10
    • Waist: 29" 
    • Bellybutton: 33.5" 
  • Size gain this week alone:
    • Waist: 1" 
    • Bellybutton: 0.5" 
  • Total gain: 
    • Waist: 5.5"
    • Bellybutton: 8"
Maternity clothes: Got a few more tank tops, hooray! Still thinking about a pair of shorts or a shorter skirt. We'll see. Getting by on pre-pregnancy swim suits though, I have two that work!

Bra changes: Sports bra is getting a little tight at the bottom from belly, so now we're using it with 2 of 10 clasps undone, because I'm just not classy! It's still doing it's job though, so no real complaints.

Stretch marks: I keep looking but haven't found them...maybe I'm fooling myself.

Sleep: Had a cold this week, and since I started being able to breathe again, sleep has been super easy as compared to other recent weeks. 

Workouts: Well, haven't been running, but I've been riding some and doing a crap ton of walking, a decent chunk of swimming, plus did some climbing around on this super awesome high ropes course!

Diet: Holidays aren't normally the best for keeping weight gain slow, but being sick and also active helped. Gained less than a pound this week - which isn't a bad thing at all. Have been working on less snacking, more healthy snacks and leaving out my late night snacks on nights that I'm not hungry. I did of course supplement with Cadbury Eggs (my favorite), but now I'm eating a ton of hard boiled eggs - BECAUSE I AM A CHILD AND LOVE DYEING EASTER EGGS! Actually, having a kid around for Easter is great because it's an excuse to dye eggs. AWESOME! Yes, I made a rainbow egg. 

Best moment this week: Receiving the cutest diapers EVER in the mail. 9 diapers (1 is preemie sized just in case), nipple pads (for breastfeeding assistance, burp cloth, and a BIB! The burp cloth and bib were added on extras by the lady who made these. SUPER excited and extra adorable.

Miss anything: Squeezing past people in a crowded kitchen.

Food cravings: Nah, I like food. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!

Sex Guess: I had a dream the leech was delivered 8 weeks early at a nice healthy 8 lbs with no problems and was a beautiful little girl that slept through the night nearly immediately with a super fast easy delivery. I doubt it, but hey, a girl can dream right?

Labor signs: Nope. No braxton hicks or anything. Just lots of using the bladder as a trampoline

Symptoms: Hungry, gas, and the annoying rib pain. Even peeing has lightened up this week a bit. 

Belly button in or out? Yeah, it's just out, I can't fool myself anymore.

Wedding rings on or off: Off, and on a necklace. I did pick up a silicone ring. It's slightly larger and super flexible & stretchy. I feel less naked. I should still be able to use it post-pregnancy for when I'm doing mud runs or other things that just aren't diamond ring friendly.

Emotional state: Really chill actually. For as busy and very occasionally (she's been really good) frustrating as the last two weeks have been playing SAHM (stay at home mom), it's been awesome.

Looking forward to: Leaving in just under 3 weeks for baby shower and to see people up north, YAY!!!!!!

I just keep getting bigger, even though I am not feeling much larger week to week anymore. I guess that's a good thing!

And a couple of just for fun shots....

The Sunshine Skyway is a really really big bridge. I'm a couple of miles away I think...

I wish I could explain why this Mustang got ruined, but I have no idea...

Pay $4 to experience this alligator? Oh yes, he was the cutest little gator ever! Now I understand why some college kids are dumb enough to keep them for a while as a pet.

Do you have any kids-only activities that you still love as an adult? Like dyeing Easter eggs?

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