Tuesday, February 7, 2017

OMG 8 months old!

Lookout world, he's coming for you!

Legan update!

Weight:  nearly 21lbs 

Length: "

Head: "

Percentiles: %, %, and % in that order.

New Skills: Sitting up alone, leaning to pick up toys without falling over, getting Cheerio sized pieces into his mouth. Playing the "wa-wa-wa" game with his mouth and hand alone. He does scoot backwards on his tummy.

Likes: Swimming, getting snuffled by dogs, playing with hair and mouths (preferably yours), rough housing, singing and dancing, and rolling away from diaper changes.

Dislikes: His changing table, nursing in public, missing out on ANYTHING EVER, being alone.

Tummy problems: Hard to say. We've done some dairy trials and he appears significantly less sensitive, so I'm going back on dairy very slowly-just remembering to keep it down to every other or every third day in order to help not cause chaos for him. We've also started decreasing his Zantac dose though, as we no longer have to give it on a completely empty stomach so we're definitely moving in the right direction.

Eating progress: He's still loving his meals. Broccoli and carrots are some favorites, along with pineapple. He had his first chocolate chip cookie, and a pea sized amount of cake. He will eat just about anything, but he has just as much fun smooshing it into his face or high chair tray. 



Not quite in yet...

Sleeping: We've started making real strides here I think....He's down for 11-12 hours at night. The amount of wake ups still varies but it's usually only 2 or 3. Occasionally we still get a terrible day with more like 6, but they've become rarer. His naps have finally started to even out - we're down to 2 naps a day, and he does best awake ~3 hours every time. Each nap is now usually between 60 and 90 minutes so HOORAY! Hence why I've managed to write more blog posts!

Clothing sizes: Still fitting into some 9 month and filling in the rest with 12 months. 

Other new updates: First tooth isn't quite through yet, but we can feel it pushing! He's also started to roll to get around the room and is doing some transitions from sitting to tummy, and starting to put some weight on his knees. 

Practicing getting into the Pigeon yoga pose!

 Mommy Update!

Finally at least got some information on my insurance. For some reason it was canceled on 11/1, and back on 2/1 for no reason I know. So now it's just newly reinstated and I did get my card, so now I can try to get in somewhere.

I've kinda thrown my home workout out the window for now, as I'm moving forward with getting to the rec center twice a week, plus once for swimming. Finally starting to lose that last 10 lbs. It will take a few weeks to see if I can comfortably fit into some of my old pants, so we'll have to monitor that.

Physical stuff: Same old same old incision irritation. Pelvis is still limiting. I'm afraid to ride. It aches for 2-3 days after every time I go to the gym. I stay away from any real impact - no jumping at all. I'm hoping to try out a lite cardio class and a yoga class out of curiosity. We'll see how it goes. Working on getting my guide together as I slowly test things out. 

Emotionally: Doing a little bit better here if only because I'm better able to sleep as well as get a little baby downtime during the day. That's a huge benefit for me. Also, after a few weeks where we were trying to figure out a new schedule for him there was just constant stress - so it's nice to now have a loose set of guidelines that work.

It's still very hard to hear from people either that healing will just happen (it's been 8 months guys!) or to hear people telling me how great I look. Ok, but I FEEL like a trainwreck, I'm physically limited and it has nothing to do with my bladder.

Tentatively planning a camping trip for this summer. Will I be able to hike? If nothing much changes, then no. But I will go, and I will canoe, and I will have fun dammit!

I heard from one more woman who had terrible SPD during a pregnancy that didn't heal up. She apparently did PT for a full year and it improved a bit, however she still can't ride a horse or run nearly 2 years later even though she was a runner and rider before too. She was also told that her long term permanent disability will likely increase if she has anymore children. She's planning on it. That all scares me more. 

I'm working on doing more blog posts and doing more work from home. It supplements income, and gives me some semblance of a purpose that doesn't physically hurt me. And I take more and more baby pictures. 


This is his preferred napping pose. Hugging the bed.

Frozen waffles are good for sore gums.

Batman likes to eat mirrors!

Teething baby likes his pacifier as we steam in the bathroom to clean out nose before bed.

Happier baby in my favorite diaper after a morning steam.

Testing out the gate!

Getting some noodles in

Another cute diaper

Fluff butt trying to get on his knees

This is our "I love superbowl snacks, and HOORAY touchdown" face, complete with sweet potato on the nose.

Surreptitiously trying to eat his pillow

Hungry baby eats mommy's face

Polo baby looks too grown up!

This face needs a meme.

I want to eat the blocks!

He's up to something.

Caught in the act!

Rolling away and eating a rattle.

And done...

Funny video of him while I was trying to take photos, apologies it's dark.

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