Wednesday, February 1, 2017


I didn't start this blog in order to preach politics, and I don't intend to start now. At this point though, I feel it necessary to give a short list of how things are affecting me, plus a couple short points on how policy changes are doing serious damage to other marginalized groups that I am not a part of. 

This is far beyond your party/my party dynamics, I'm worried about the major changes and moving towards a Hitler-esque era.

  • Planned Parenthood - doesn't use taxpayer dollars to provide abortions. About 3% of what they provide for services is abortion related. Most of what they do is provide STD care, pregnancy care, and birth control.
    • I have used planned parenthood for my pregancy with Legan. Being against them means I should not have had that access.
  • Dismantling the ACA. Granted I don't think it's a great system and it needs a LOT of work to make it work for people. That being said, without it, the last two years we probably would NOT have been insured in anyway. Also, the important parts about it - getting rid of the pre-existing condition clauses as well as the lifetime maximum, that's hurtful.
    • I have asthma. If I lose coverage for any reason, I may not be able to get coverage again. Likewise with my birth injuries that are still causing me pain. No more insurance. 
    • Legan was in the NICU for 3 weeks. Plus his crazy birth and some cardiac follow ups to keep our eye on his heart, he's had a ridiculous amount of medical costs already. He will likely hit his prospective lifetime max before he's 2 years old. Think about that one.
    • Not covering birth control could be seriously problematic for me. Granted breastfeeding and birth control are a serious issue (and I've already ranted) but when I can turn to birth control I likely will have to pay out of pocket. It's very very hard to keep enough money in our pockets to get/stay off of any federal aid dollars if you don't have easy access to affordable birth control that works (not the 85% success rate of condoms alone). Less birth control means more babies, which is an obvious financial issue.
    • Breastfeeding moms have relied on insurance companies being required to provide pumps for them so they can work. If they can't afford nice pumps to keep baby fed while they work they either have to stop working, or give baby formula which costs more money and can lead to more medical dollars being spent. Breastfeeding is good for the immune system which SAVES money for everyone.
  • The blatant disregard/disrespect for those in the LGBT community
    • I consider myself part of this community. Being against that group is being against who I am.
  • Gag orders for the EPA about pretty much all environmental issues as well as arguing against science (including climate change).
    • This is so scary for all of us. No questions here - keeping people uninformed is frightening enough, but refusing to believe in proveable science is dangerous to the long term survival of our entire species and ecosystem.
    • Side note: teaching our children to disregard facts or call lies "alternate facts" is raising an entire generation to refuse to learn or accept any hard truths...sounds like bad parenting.
  • All the actions taken against people of color...all of the colors. America is our people-and those people are white, black, brown, Asian, male, female, neither, gay, straight, trans, native-born, immigrant, and largely descended from immigrants like most of the people I know. You cannot single out any group and tell me they don't deserve basic human rights. You can choose to not allow new immigrants in-but choosing one group over others is as ridiculous as a parent choosing one child over another.
    • Furthermore hating an entire group because of the actions of a few is downright stupid. Please don't hate me because some mothers with PPD/PPA have psychotic breaks and harm their children. Don't blame me for them. Don't blame all Muslim people for the crazed actions of a few terrorists. Also, see graphic below. Most acts of terror are not Muslim people. I agree the World Trade Center Twin Towers incident was awful, however by far not the norm. 

    • We're detaining/deporting/refusing entry to people who we have ALREADY GRANTED GREEN CARDS TO. WTF people? I'm not saying we shouldn't thoroughly vet who gets entry to this country, but detaining people that are LEGAL residents? How does that make sense?
Alright, rant mostly done.

Below is a message that I found on Facebook. It was not credited to the original author, but if I find out who wrote it, I will amend this post and add that in. This is something for EVERYONE to think about. If you voted for Trump, but you didn't INTEND to vote for a racist sexist bigot, please consider your reasoning as it pertains to the statement below.

If you voted for the President because you believe in fiscal conservatism, you should be furious that your tax dollars are going to build a wall that will have zero impact on the effects of immigration.
If you hate the left because of "Political Correctness," you need to be asking yourself if you're okay with the President censoring communications from MULTIPLE government organizations like the National Park Service, the EPA and more.
If you voted because you hated Secretary Clinton's email server, I expect you to be calling your representatives to ask why Steve Bannon and others continue to use their unsecured personal emails and why your president is still using an unsecured Android device.
If you believe that fertilized eggs are people but refugee children are not, you need to stop acting like your concerns are religious.
If you voted because you believed they would better protect you against terrorists, you need to ask yourself why it's okay that your president just took away $130 million in anti-terror funds from New York with his punishment of Sanctuary Cities.
If you are angry that your insurance is too expensive, you should ask why your senators are repealing ACA without a replacement, an action that will leave 20 million people without insurance at all.
If you wanted to bring jobs back to the US you should be angry that Mar a Lago just hired another round of international workers, over Americans.
If you were concerned with national security I expect you to be concerned with the restructuring of the National Security Council with an anti semitic, fascist, racist, misogynistic domestic abuser.
If you believe the Clinton Initiative provided unequal treatment to countries that supported their foundation, you should be livid that your president has moved to block visas from Muslim countries like Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, but not places where he has business ties like Egypt, Qatar, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

Thank you for making it to the end. In return, have a couple happy baby photos! Assuming there aren't more massive scary policy changes, expect no more political posts for a long while.

Teething babies like pacifiers

So happy to be playing!

Dad games aren't like mom games

Just chillin'

This may be one of my favorite photos for a long time. I'll have to crop out so much of the background - but he was so proud of himself for knocking that bin over. And his thighs are so full of rolls!

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