Monday, January 28, 2019

Naps, and Big Boy Beds, and Rocking Chairs OH MY! Part 1

Part 1: Writing this at the very beginning of the transition. toddler has pretty much stopped napping. This ISN'T working for me, but I don't really have a choice. He's turned the whole getting ready for nap into such a fight that I know why he isn't settling down to sleep, I get it. He does still need it, but obviously we have to change our tactics. 

He's been sleeping in a crib still, with our rocking chair and a twin size racecar bed already in his room. The routine has been change diaper, books in racecar bed, then milkies (nursing) in rocker, then hugs and going into crib. Turn on mobile, hold his hand for about 15 seconds and tell him goodnight.

Well he might have my anxiety, because from the minute he realizes that a transition is going to happen, he locks into protesting it. A lot of toddlers do well when you warn them that things are going to happen. Nope, not this one. As soon as he knows he's going to have to stop what he's doing, he loses it. So now we start the diaper change and he's a total hot mess.

In the midst of all of the intermediate transitions (bed to chair, chair to crib) he implements OHMYGOD-STALL-LIKE-IT'S-GOING-TO-KILL-YOU mode. So yes he wants kisses, no he doesn't, yes he does, etc etc etc. It's awful. 

So step one is taking the chair out of the room. Nursing happens in the racecar bed, then there's no "one more" anything, there's no rocking with mom, etc. There is a single hug and kiss and into bed. And when it's naptime I'm giving him a couple of books and telling him he needs to have quiet time. No screaming or he loses his books, or blankets, etc. I'll let him know when it's time to come out. Considering getting one of those fancy clocks that glows a different color when it's OK to get up. Because an hour of fighting just isn't working. And I hate yelling at him.

Maybe once he realizes we're done fighting, he'll be willing to lay down and nap? I doubt it, but if I can get him to stay in his room for 90 minutes by himself, I might hold onto my sanity. 

Next step: Milkies and then just hugs and kisses in the racecar bed. 

But first, we need to get dresser secured to the wall, just in case. And a doorknob cover, just in case. Because I'm not going to have him roaming the house. Oh hell no. 

My new desk most of the time. Sitting on the floor so I can stretch, and keep computer plugged in.

Said big boy race car bed in question

So much Jade love

So much happiness she can't sit still

Talking to his baby

Now they're communing

Empty crib??

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