Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Big Boy Bed Part 2

Part 2: Make the Change

Dresser secured! New sheets on. Doorknob cover purchased. Here we go!

Doorknob cover, check!

Day 1 nap: Hell on wheels. He says he wants to sleep in bed, I try to tuck him in. He flips out. He demands the crib, so I move everything and tuck him in there. Then bed. Then crib. Repeat x 10. I finally put him in the crib and leave the room with him screaming like crazy. After he wakes up his sister 3 times....I get really mad. I yell. This isn't helpful, but I'm freaking done. I scream that I don't care if he sleeps, but he must stop screaming. Ok, so this isn't working...

I take 10 min and go back. He's still sobbing hsyterically. I feel awful. I pick him up and cuddle him while he slowly calms and stops the hiccuping. We curl up on his bed together. We snuggle face to face for a long while. I apologize. I explain that it's quiet time. He doesn't HAVE to nap, but screaming and waking up his sister is not only seriously not fun, but is going to keep him in his room longer and isn't quiet. I explain that he can play quietly if he can't sleep. I put some books on his bed. I tuck him back in. Exit as usual. 

He doesn't sleep, but he does at least stay mostly quiet. 

10 minutes later he opens the door. I put the doorknob cover on. He tries to flip out, I remind him that he can read or play quietly, but screaming isn't going to work. 

I let him out after 45 minutes of being quiet, which is pretty much two hours after the whole mess started. Whatever.

That night we insist that he sleeps in his crib. Not having another fight. 

Day 2 nap. Do normal routine, tuck him in. Leave. Only have to come back 3 times to remind him that he needs to play quietly, not screaming. No sleeping happens, but I let him out 90 minutes later because he's at least been good.

Day 2 bedtime: Do normal routine, tuck him in. He asks for crib, move everything. He asks for bed, tell him this is the last chance to change his mind, we tuck back into bed. Tell him that it's time for bedtime. Within 10 minutes he's silent and out. Sleeps until 4 am, wakes screaming and confused but not all the way awake. Passes back out in 5. Gets up at a reasonable time.

Days 3-5 nap time goes the same: he doesn't sleep but he doesn't scream anymore, plays and talks and sings quietly for 90 minutes. 

Bedtime goes exactly as good as the first time. It's so dark in there at bedtime that I don't think he could read to himself or play if he wanted to. He's not protesting the darkness, so I'm not inclined to change a damn thing.

Ok, so not SO bad really. Let's see how this evolves.

Legan's in bed sleeping, but Jade is up and giggling

Failed nap!

Snuggling with daddy before bedtime

Another failed nap!

Snow day!

Jade reading during Legan's bedtime routine

Still reading

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