Thursday, October 6, 2016

4 months old!

So we all managed to live through the last four months! Sometimes I believe that medals should be given out.

So I'm going to try to keep up with these now monthly, we'll see how it goes. 

Legan update!

Weight: 15 lbs 3 oz

Length: 24.25"

Head: 17.25"

Percentiles: 72%, 42%, and 100+% in that order.

New Skills: Rolling to his back during tummy time, chattering up a storm, side lying nursing at night. 

Likes: Eating his hands, standing up with help, walking around anywhere, bath/showertime, mom's boobs, and people talking to him.

Dislikes: BOTTLES!!!!! Everything about silicone in his mouth, being in the car when he's awake and it's dark out, being in the house with just mommy during the day.

Tummy problems: he's still on Zantac and I'm still dairy free, but this seems to be keeping his tummy relatively happy, so I'm pretty pleased with it, though in the last week he has gotten more fussy and pukey - I'm wondering if he has outgrown his dose. Our regular pediatrician appointment is next week, so we'll discuss then.

Mommy Update!

I've started up a new workout routine to try to help me feel more like myself. I'm doing squats, push ups from knees, arm curls, shoulder presses, and calf & toe raises. Then I take just a moment to plank and do downward facing dog. I shift back and forth between the two every 20 ish seconds for maybe 3 minutes. That's about it and I can get it done in about 10 minutes a day. I had to start super super slow, but it's all I can think of to attempt to help my pelvis heal up and not pull on my incision. 

I'm not sure it's working for me. Mostly, I'm not sure that I'm not doing more pelvis damage. I still have a not insignificant amount of the crotch discomfort left from pregnancy. I am doing my best to try to find a doctor that can help me with this, but honestly I've not seen a good one in Illinois regarding anything pre- or postpartum so I don't know where to turn. 

Physical stuff: I still can't run, not even a couple steps. I can go on a walk about 1 mile with the stroller and not be uncomfortable afterwards. If I put him in the carrier, I have to keep it down to about 1/2 mile to keep the pain away. Any further, and I'm aggravating my issues. Therefore I can't do 90% of yoga because if I do anything with my legs separated I feel it hurting. This includes rock climbing and riding horses. So I'm honestly not sure what I can do other than squats for physical activity. Working very hard to try to find a doctor that can help me, but everyone just keeps telling me to be patient and time will heal me. I really doubt that 4 months post surgery that I should still feel so limited. It's not that I don't have muscle - it's that I can't even start trying to build any yet - there's still too much brokenness deep down. 

Emotionally: Well, as pretty much all of my physical hobbies have been cut out, I'm having a rough time. One of the best ways to combat depression and anxiety is to get enough exercise, and I honestly don't know how without spending money that we don't have on a gym membership so that I can swim. My sit down type hobbies just aren't keeping me entertained enough. It's too easy to stop reading or coloring to clean the house. And everything I do I pretty much have to contain to 10 minutes at a time, or Legan starts fussing. His naps are only about 30 min during the day typically, so I mostly have to use that time to use the bathroom, wash/fold diapers, and eat. I'm seeing my therapist weekly, but in the grand scheme, I have no idea how things are going to start looking up as long as my status quo is unchanged. Legan has become pretty much the only joy in my life - so on his rough/cranky days I pretty much don't have any. We're alone for 12 hours and while I'd be happy to go out on a 3 hour walk, my body doesn't let me. I spend as much time with other people as possible, so he can have more faces to watch and I can have a little downtime. We're working on getting him to bed earlier so that I can have a little sanity before bed. Either way, things are still complicated and the physical discomfort definitely makes it even harder to try to accept the aesthetics of my new body. 

So instead, I try to take as many fun pictures of Legan when he's smiling as I can, and I try to do my workouts with him. He's the weights for arm curls and shoulder presses for sure!

He had all sorts of smiles for his official pics today, but had to keep his fingers in his mouth while smiling. :)

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