Saturday, January 16, 2016

Pregnancy Update Week 15

Here we go!

Baby size/Important facts: Leech is the size of an orange! (S)he is roughly 4" long (crown to rump), and legs are finally longer than arms. Apparently the little monster has learned to swallow, hiccup, & do somersaults. I can't feel them yet, but maybe soon! Heartrate ~155 as we listened.

Weight Change: Roughly 1.5 lbs. Midwife was not concerned at my appointment, I'm not looking emaciated and uterus is growing, so we'll just sit tight. I'm trying to get more (and healthy) food in, so here's to crossing our fingers.

Maternity clothes? Yes and no... Tops are mostly fine, but only my pre-preg sweatpants fit. I have a Bella Band to wear with my shorts/pants that have a proper fly, and I'm getting away with SOME of my stretchy yoga pants worn below belly. Most of them hurt me though. So some dresses, 1 pair ugly maternity shorts, and my 1 pair of maternity yoga pants are my go-tos.

Bra changes: Up from a 32DD to a 32H this week. I'm just dealing with it, still wearing my two favorite thrift store bras. Stretch marks? I have some from my teen years on my thighs, no new ones yet.

Sleep: Seems to be getting slightly better this week. I'm only up to pee maybe 3 times a night, and for the most part falling asleep after the third. Unfortunately it takes me 2 hours to fall asleep, but still seems like a general improvement.

Workouts: Working back up from a lazy first trimester. Running 3x a week, at least 3 miles, starting to slowly up mileage. Have managed one yoga day and one strength day in two weeks, but trying to make that weekly. Did my first 4 mile run since I quit running at 5 weeks, and it felt really good, recovery was quick, so kudos to that. I get to start riding my horse again (at a walk only) next week.

Diet: Good days and bad days. Generally I eat pretty healthy and every 2-4 hours. All day. Sometimes, I just need Velveeta Shells & Cheese. So sue me.

Best moment this week: Hearing the leech's heartbeat at our visit!

Miss anything? The freedom to skip meals if I was busy.

Food cravings: Mostly just fruit.

Anything making you queasy or sick? The smell of cigarettes & diesel exhaust.

Sex Guess: We're Team Green (not finding out sex until birth), but guessing is fun. Chinese Gender Chart says it's a girl. It's got maybe a 50% chance of being correct I think.

Labor signs: Thankfully no, better not for a long time.

Symptoms: Always peeing, and my digestive system is just not its normal self. Not a terrible thing, just different from the norm. Enough said.

Belly button in or out? In, and with a ring.

Wedding rings on or off: On, and loose.

Emotional state: Very worried about there being finances to keep us afloat, much less buy baby things in the next few months. Crossing fingers that a real job is in my husband's immediate future.

Looking forward to: Looking pregnant instead of chubby & feeling the leech's gymnastics.

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