Monday, June 18, 2018

Third Trimester, WHAT?!

So haven't done great in weekly updates, but now we're at 28 weeks.'s an update. 

How I wish I could sleep

I'm definitely bigger. I'll get photos below.

Baby is much bigger. I can feel strong kicks and turns and such most of the day. Spends a good chunk of the time head down, I'm not convinced baby isn't flipping around some still. Which is good, because it means baby ISN'T stuck breech already.

We're scheduling an ultrasound for just over a week from now, because we need to see if placenta has moved into a more favorable position, and make sure it hasn't adhered to my previous scar. Those are risks I'd like to avoid.

Otherwise, doing well, just big and awkward. Harder to sleep, but I need more. Luckily my mom has been in town for a while and Legan just loves her. And Spock is free from the crate, so he helps too.

With Legan

With larva

Legan had an awesome crazy birthday and now he can play tee ball, basketball, bowling, and with his water table, and trains....and....everything else. It's hilarious and awesome. 

Being a mom is great. Being a pregnant mom is hard. It's just tiring and he's climbing all over me and bouncing off the belly. He means well, he's just so energetic. But sweet. 

I'm no longer bartending, so that helps a lot.

I started a prenatal yoga class. Which is awesome. It's actually helped me build strength in my hips which is helping my pelvis falling apart feelings. Which is a freaking miracle. Hooray!

We're slowly working on car shopping, hoping to find the perfect "new to us" car this fall, in the right price range. Very important as we can't fit two car seats, two adults and Spock in our current car. In fact, just the 2 adults have a rough time with the car seats. 

Enjoying the lovely weather generally lately, and looking forward to camping next week. Though less hiking for me than usual. More hanging out at the campsite, which is totally fine by me. :) I will have a ball canoeing with Mr. Legan I'm sure. 

Also, I need to totally put in a small plug for these WONDERFUL UNDERSHORTS. I am not affiliated at all, and I bought them, they weren't a sample or anything, but having tested them I'm 100% behind them. Not shapewear, just undershorts to stop thigh chafing and they do smooth out the panty lines under them quite a bit. :) Plus they stop the flash factor in sundresses. They come in maternity, which are great, as well as a standard length and a petite (they call it "high thigh") sizing with lower rise and shorter legs than the standard. I bought a maternity pair and a petite pair, both fit nicely while pregnant. The maternity ones likely won't be helpful past the puffy postpartum stage, but the other ones work great now and will work great later too. I love to wear sundresses in the summer but hate thigh chafing and I spend a lot of time with a toddler so I climb and sit and such, so I'm glad for the option of these pretty and fancy "bloomers" that are so comfy and useful.

Topless and loving it

Taken when Spock got out of jail

Me and my swim buddy

Boy and his dog reunited

Sharing coco puffs with daddy

My studious art boy

Showing off his new Mickey Mouse slippers and just being funny

Tie dye pants and moccasins and rainbow tie dye shirt. 
This was taken ON his birthday

Being silly at the park

Covered in frosting at his birthday party

Bath bomb fun

He's playing with my old little tikes toys. These are over 20 years old, still going strong. 

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