Monday, March 18, 2019

Wintertime Blues

Or maybe I should just call it cabin fever. We are so tired of being cooped up. Legan is bouncing off the walls, Jade is just bored of being shifted between 3 rooms. But, between polar vortex cold, drifts of snow that are 4' high, melting snow and freezing rain that make sheets of ice and mud, and wind strong enough to knock kids over (yeah, 70+ mph), we haven't been able to get any of us outside much at all. to do?

She's ready to get us all!

1. Run around the house. Within reason. Not totally nutso of course, but we do have a convenient circle on our main floor. Laps there, with dog and Legan running, and holding Jade.

2. Playdough. Chalk. Paints. Etc. Find messy things for the toddler to do. The messier, the more fun. We love a big bowl of mixed dry beans and rice.

3. Videogames. I mean, he's only 2, so there's not a ton that he's doing, but we're introducing him to some WiiFit games because he enjoys the movement. Also working on other Wii games. Going to try Mario Kart next. Because, we gotta.

4. Judicious use of movies. Not too many, and not usually on videogame days. But sometimes you just gotta give up.

5. Fun food treats. Because anything to bring a smile to the day is good. Whether it's donuts, or hot chocolate or fruit snacks or cake. Just saying....

And mostly, just try to hang in there, and get out there on the nicer days. Not the worst of the worst, but maybe the best of the worst?

Also, a small amount of rumchata in your coffee. Seriously.

Happy St Patricks Day, he was so proud of his tattoos

And his headband

My other little leprechaun

Funny story to wrap up the key story from a few weeks ago, but now that it's been 6 ish weeks, we found the old set finally!

Chunky big girl so proud of herself

She had a green diaper cover for St Patty's Day too. 

Hanging With Mommy Sloth shirt. And all the arm rolls. So many of them.

Had to get out sometime, so we got pizza

The leg on the right is showing how much too long her pajamas are. But that's life when your overnight diaper is so huge that your pajamas have to be sized up.

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