Monday, July 24, 2017

Quick Update!

It's been a totally wild and crazy couple of months and I've really missed making my updates, but here's the basic long and short of what's gone on....

We've moved in with my mother into her basement - which unfortunately leaks water during a heavy rainstorm. It's unfinished, but we've thrown some older carpets down to help soften the floor. We have 4 adults (my sister too), plus the baby and dog and it's maybe 900 sq ft upstairs. It's tight, but temporary.

Mystique sold to a lovely family with an enthusiastic 13 year old rider who has been having a great time trail riding and doing some light showing. 

We went on our first camping trip as a family of three (and probably the first trip since we got married). It was awesome, and Legan had a great time, he napped while hiking and ate a bunch of dirt.

Eric is still job hunting. We have until Oct 21st for him to get hired and still have any chance of buying a house this year. If he gets a job after that date, we have to wait until he's been employed for 6 months in order for him to qualify for a mortgage. IF we have to wait through that period, we'll be finding alternative renting facilities, so that we can all have more space. 

My computer crashed the week before the move, so I haven't been able to update mostly because I don't have computer access as Eric needs to be job hunting during the week. 

I also picked up a bartending job, which I've been working 3-6 days per week lately, plus had a couple of weeks working my part-time theater stagehand job too. 

Little Legan turned 1 year old! He's still growing and learning at an astounding rate. Now he spends his days pushing his little zebra cart along. He's not walking independently yet, but I'm sure it will happen soon. He's also babbling up a total storm! He had a really rough 5-6 weeks with this whole transition of moving and starting to sleep most of the night in his crib (and nap too!), as well as mommy working.  He's just now finally settled back down in to a bit of a routine and is only waking up 2-3 times per night again, instead of the 7-8 times it was for a while.

I'm back to running a bit as well, with the stroller, or at least with Eric pushing the stroller. So we're all trying to keep our chins up, our feet dry, and just roll with this unfortunate situation for now. At least I know that come October something will have to change, whether it's Eric having found a job and being back to house-hunting, or looking for a rental somewhere nearby so we can at least be more settled.

So, here's some pictures!

Legan's last ride on Mystique

Legan and Barley enjoying Legan's new wagon!

Birthday cake!

Birthday boy!

Camping and eating dirt

Nice outdoor nap

He loved the tent!

He loves playing in his pool

New birthday diaper from Monka Dunk Creations

So silly!

Passed out during dinner

Dedicated to pushing his cart around

Licking up a puddle

Just so silly!


Dirty face playing with his new firetruck

Cloth butt spotted!

I love this face - he was actually mid laugh!

One of the most beautiful pictures I've taken of this boy!

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